Posts in Destination Clarion

The supply of goods from food manufacturers to consumers is seemingly inexhaustible.  It appears that the goal is to maintain an inventory of everything, all the time, in every nook and cranny market in every town.

As living beings, this reality presents a problem: for most of human history, people didn’t have unlimited access to food. 

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The Clarion Farms Grassfed Update

What we DO have is excellent: chipped steak can make a good ground beef substitute, and we have plenty of sirloin steaks that are versatile: grill them whole, slice and sear for fajitas, make steak salad...the list is long. There is a pile of grassfed filet remaining (seriously - grassfed filet), several ribeyes (Delmonico), tip roasts, rolled rump roasts, London Broil, and briskets. You'll also find chuck eye steaks, petite tender steaks, and some cubed steak. Options abound.

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Yeah, it's real beef.

We sell beef. That we raise. On our farm. In Clarion. From calves to finish. There are even options: grainfed and grassfed. So when you buy something from us, there is no question about authenticity. Friends, this is the kind of food traceability the food world is aching to achieve, and you have it neatly situated on a piece of beautiful property right outside of town. How cool is that?

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Farmland is not valuable to anyone but a farmer. Here's why that's flawed.

I submit that the official definition of farmland is misleading.  If farmland is accepted as simply ‘land for farming’, non-farmers, naturally, needn’t concern themselves with it.  Changing the definition has profound effects on the value of terrain proximate to our homes:  Farmland is FOOD.

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People my age find it nearly impossible to get on in the field of agriculture without encountering the subject of money.  Our elders tell us we need a lot to get started, we’ll never make any while we’re working, and we better get out while we still have some.

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Restock Day at the Beef Barn!

People value specific points of origin over reckless mass production, yet supply and demand for authentic food remains off balance.  As a result, middlemen selling forgeries of real beef destroy the integrity of farm-to-table when customers purchase knockoff steaks advertised as ‘local’.

The best method to ensure the integrity of your sustenance is to purchase it directly from the people who raise it. 

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Local beef solves global trade tensions.

Headlines mentioning what we all ‘need to know’ about various countries around the world clog up nearly every artery of agricultural media I encounter. The global publicity fits, I suppose, considering farmers today are told they need to be as proficient at world-wide economics as they are at fixing equipment with baler twine and a scrap of metal salvaged from the road ditch.

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A review for old friends, and orientation for new!

IT'S WEDNESDAY!! The unequivocal BEST day to live in Clarion, because Wednesdays are the day we re-stock the Beef Barn with all of your favorite cuts.

We're honored to have an influx of new followers who're interested in this bustling farm community we call home. If you're new, welcome! We think you'll love being a part of the family as much as we do.

Let's go over a few details to make sure old friends and new fans alike are on the same page (this is a little lengthy, but worth the read):

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