Posts tagged Small Farm
Wing Night

Here’s a fun brain game: Let’s pretend you have a kennel, and I have a dog that reproduces as though it were a bacterium, splitting in two once every minute and creating progeny that will do the same. I’ll stop by tomorrow at 11am to deliver the dog into your care. We know your kennel will be full at Noon.

What time will your kennel reach half capacity?

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Efficient, or Effective Agriculture?

By specializing farms, we’ve cherry-picked a fragment of an ecological whole and concentrated it, thus removing any benefit of a complete ecosystem. As a result, farmers fail to take advantage of the free resources surrounding them in abundance on their home place, choosing instead to rely on an industry of suppliers. That’s like ignoring a dump truck load of money in the back yard while walking out the front door to ask a banker for a loan. In order to take advantage of nature’s freebies, we must trade spreadsheet efficiency for natural effectiveness.

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When the Hero Lives

The Ballad of John Henry is a folk song about a strong, hardworking “steel drivin’ man” who could swing a hammer better than any other man on the work crew. John is admired as a hero, and, when his legacy is threatened by the introduction of a steam drill, he challenges the job foreman that he can drive more steel than the fancy new machine.

In classic folksy man vs. machine style, the steam drill breaks down and John Henry does indeed win the contest. Listeners are satisfied by the outcome; we all want a reminder that people are significant. The song is not yet over, though:

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