Happy Wednesday! The BEST day to live in Clarion.


Wednesdays are the BEST day to live in Clarion, because this is the day we re-stock the Beef Barn with all of your favorite steaks, roasts, and ground beef from our farm for your family.

This midweek food rejuvenation is no random accident - it coincides perfectly with customers' shopping preference to fill the refrigerator before Friday night kicks off a glorious weekend. Face it: when you have some time off, you don't want to spend it shopping. Visit us today, eat well tomorrow.

Friends, 2019 is crackling with new opportunities that I cannot wait to explore. Next week (hopefully!) we'll have some brand new products that are going to blow your mind - it's beef, it's highly in demand, and it's something you've never had from our farm before. The gang at Cunningham's inspired the idea, and they're excited to see our reaction. Trust me, you'll want to stop in. Additionally, our friend and food expert Ty Kepler is joining forces with us to complete the local food experience. We can raise it, and, my, oh my, can this guy cook. He'll be creating his own brand of easy to follow, from the farm recipes and cooking ideas that will empower you to cook and eat like you've always wanted to. Let's support him with everything we've got.

There's more. So much more. But we'll save those announcements for another day. I can't wait for this year to unfold, because it's going to be a wild ride for all of us.

Hang on tight. Be excited. Love our town. Love good food. #DestinationClarion

See you at the farm!