Farm Dog Friday!!!


Cat, dog, toddler.

Toddler, dog, cat.

Dog chewing on cat, toddler chewing on dog.

All parties break to shred the mail.

Sounds like a square dance, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, you won’t have to learn any moves; this is just a window into our daily life.

Annie and the cat are best, worst friends. The due is inseparable, but they’re hard on each other. The cat peels out the dog’s eyelids. The dog drags the cat around by the hind leg. There is a constant cacophony of screeches, barks, and breaking furniture in the house, and Henry loves the action. So he participates, which adds high-pitched crying to the not-so-soothing symphony. Ahhhh……

It’s a good thing Annie spends most of her day with me because neither collie nor kitty would have any fur if she stayed home.

Of course, the most important lesson our pup has learned so far is the difference between domesticated felines and their barn cat counterparts: House cats play. Barn cats will kill you.

Happy, happy Friday, everyone! Eat Clarion Farms BEEF this weekend!