Henry's Farm Update, 2-3-20

Hi folks!  Henry here with your weekly farm update.

Grandpa is teaching me how to rope: make the loop, swing, swing, throw!  It’s all in the wrist.  Mostly I catch my legs.  Then the rope tightens, pulling both feet together, at which point I shuffle, shuffle, and fall.  The calf gets away and we have to start over.  He’s better at it than I am, but practice makes perfect I suppose.  It’s Monday, and that’s calf working day on the farm, so I’ll be out there again with Dad and Grandpa giving it my best.  Mom will post a picture if I’m successful.

February promises to be a busy month.  I’m heading to the Oil City YMCA with Mom and Dad for our monthly beef delivery in the lobby this Thursday.  I like all the attention I get from the folks over there.  Dad’s planning out the rest of the deliveries this month and he’s eyeballing a sales class that’s coming up at Clarion University in a couple weeks.  He’s always trying to learn something new.

We’ll be weaning the grassfed calves at the end of this month; that’s a fun sorting day followed by the rigors of running two herds on different farms.  Fortunately, late-weaning the calves like we do is nice and easy for everyone: their mommas have already done most of the weaning work so the final separation is super low stress (much more so than my own weaning process…not a fan).

As always, friends, we’ll see you at the Beef Barn.  You can get beef anywhere, but you can’t connect with your food source anywhere except Clarion Farms!  Thanks for sharing the ride with us.


Henry Port