Henry's Farm Update, 2-24-20

Hi folks,

Henry here with your weekly farm update.

I’m a big help when it comes to beef inventory.  When we’re placing fresh cuts in the cooler at the Beef Barn I’m always available to make sure the bottom shelf is organized and ready for sales action.  I’d like to influence the top shelf, too, but I can’t reach it and nobody trusts me on a ladder.  Grownups are a bunch of ninnies.

At home I put my skills to work as well.  Stockpiling beef is an important requirement for successful meal planning.  Mom and Dad like to keep steaks in the refrigerator, but I prefer to keep them close where it’s easier to monitor the precious food stock.  Hence, when the stove is fired up and the adults are busy cooking, I pry open the ‘fridge and haul steaks to my room.  My bed is built like a fortress with fences all around that keep intruders out.  I figure that’s a good place to keep treasures like steak.  Let them steal our clothes, money, and furniture, but please don’t take our steak.

Here is your lesson for the week: keep your household stocked with good food!  When you eat well, you stay full.  When you’re satiated you’re not inclined to eat junk food, and when you stop eating junk food all kinds of amazing things happen.

My family raises and sells beef, period.  The Beef Barn is the destination store that literally connects you to the source of your food.  Many problems are addressed when you inventory steaks like ours for meals at home.  I am available 24/7 as a home steak inventory consultant.  Stop by the farm to book an appointment.

See you at the Beef Barn!


Henry Port