Take-Out Tuesday: Bar Marco, Pittsburgh

Take-Out Tuesday!!!

The people who follow this page aren't simply fans of our farm, they're visionaries pursuing an idea of better food, better business, better relationships, a better world, and better food (oh, I said that already). In other words, the buck does NOT stop here; it's our collective responsibility to share places such a vision can be experienced first hand.

This is the page to check when you're deciding where to eat for the week! Each restaurant featured on Take-Out Tuesday has a relationship with our farm and a connection with a town that is worth examining. Go and meet these folks!

Bar Marco garners our attention this Tuesday. Located at 2216 Penn Avenue in Pittsburgh, the folks behind the name set a lofty standard for awesome. I've never encountered a more selfless group of entrepreneurs who commit their efforts to providing excellence for customers. And, indeed, excellence radiates from their building; people come to the Strip District for the sole purpose of setting eyes on the restaurant they've 'heard about.' Brunch, dinner, drinks, a wine room and a phenomenal venue for events make up the whole of this business, and we highly recommend making the trip this week.

In a world saturated with disposable mediocrity, folks who strive to make a difference deserve some acknowledgement in the form of enthusiastic support.