Henry's Farm Update

Hi folks,

Henry here with your weekly farm update.

Guess what?  WE WENT SLEDDING!!  Mom has been telling me about sliding along the snow, and her descriptions made me curious.  This week the snow came down and the sleds came out of the shed at Grammy and Grandpa’s house.  Of course, when they asked if I wanted to go for a ride, my response was a definite ‘yes’!

It turns out Mom and Grandpa like sledding a LOT more than I do.  I had to wear 60 layers of insulation that made me waddle like a duck, then they plopped my immobile rear end between Mom’s legs and pushed us over a hill!  Everyone thought the adventure was a hoot.  I was ready to go into the warm Beef Barn after the first trip.  Recall all those insulated pants I was wearing?  They slowed me down.  Couldn’t get away.  I had to make several trips down the pond bank.

Grandpa Henry sledding.JPG

Ok, ok, it wasn’t THAT bad.  I think when I’m older I’ll like the thrill of skidding over the hills.  In fact, maybe someday we’ll build giant bonfires on a high ridge and organize Clarion Farms sledding days on the farm!  Then our whole extended family can get together and enjoy the camaraderie of gliding through the pastures.  Isn’t that a great idea?

It’s amazing the stuff you think of when you’re one-and-a-half and unrestricted by the confines of grown-up logic.

Have a great week, friends!


Henry Port