Henry's Farm Update, 12-30-19

Hi folks,

Henry here with your weekly farm update.

We’ve been busy taking advantage of this mild weather!  Mom took me out to help Dad and Grandpa clean cattle pens the other day, an experience I enjoy immensely.  While dad drives around scooping with the skidloader, Grandpa and I watch the gate so the steers don’t escape.  Sometimes I have to holler at them: “Get back, cow!”  I’m definitely not scared of cattle…but I do hold pretty tight to Grandpa’s coat while we’re working.  He tells me I’ll be able to do this by myself some day.

Henry and Grandpa.jpg

My dad talks about the future a lot.  Just like his dad, everything he does today is laser-focused on laying down groundwork for me to carry on tomorrow.  It’s interesting listening to my parents speculate while we eat dinner; I gather that there is a large body of people who think everything we do is destroying the climate, and they’re bent on eliminating our way of life in hopes of replacing it with…carrots?  I’m not sure.  Probably carrots.

Let the world worry and fight.  Thanks to our large family of customers who support us year after year, we’re able to continuously refine our methods to create a cattle farm that’s custom tailored for the times.  I’ll grow up observing what works and what doesn’t.  I can learn to adapt and to adjust, two thinking techniques that yield an agriculture that is neither destructive nor unnecessary.  My dad says as long as our customers can be proud to source their beef from us, we’re doing the right thing, and we should never back down from that goal.  We fix the future by focusing on what’s presented to us today.

Have a great Monday!  The Beef Barn will be open Tuesday – Saturday this week from 10-5, and, as always, we’ll be fully restocked with steaks, roasts, and ground beef on Wednesday.

See you at the farm!


Henry Port